It goes on and on: Our stories ofÂ
wh at happened, memories we
won’ t let go of, songs that
b ring back pain we don’t want t o remember…Â
I’ve come to the conclusionÂ
th at nothing or no one isÂ
capabl e of causing us more pain than Â
our own inner dialogue.Â
However, We don’t have to let it…Â
When these thoughts begin to creep in,
w e have the ability to become more aware of them. When we realize we don’t have to validate the presence of these thoughts, we  can let them come and go.Â
Tho ugh they may be fleeting, we do
h ave the ability to control our
thoughts with a bit of practi ce.Â
Okay, this will take some time  and effort. Believe me, and I’ve battled with them for years. It wasn’t until I started blogging that It FINALLY sunk in. But my goodness, what a lot of work it is to practice mindfulness, But if it means
ha ving a chance at a peaceful mind intertwined with happiness. I will keep trying. I got this! You’ve got this…
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