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Let’s talk Wine & Tannins.

People always ask me about my favorite wines, and I thought it would be fun to make a quick list today of the wine memberships I have tried. I didn’t know a lot about Wine until I wrote this blog post, and I just knew that I enjoy cold, semi-sweet color wine. But With this semi-research I did, I will share what I learned.

But before I begin, Let me pour myself a glass. 😋

So there are dozens of different types of Wine that have some foods that go very well with them. As long as you know a little about different types of Wine and how they taste, you can cook a simple meal with Wine, and I guarantee your taste buds will thank you for it. Or You can turn a small get-together into a memorable occasion.

The taste of Wine is made from fermented grape juice, and it’s no wonder I love grape juice. 

It’s a shame some people don’t like Wine.

Wine is soooo good.

I took some time to read about how Red and white Wines taste better when describing them in more detailed ways. In my mind, this makes sense. If you have more words to describe what you’re drinking, your brain is better able to pick out subtle flavors.

In this post, you will read about the basics of what makes different types of Wine unique and what you need to know to get the most out of your Wine. I will also include the wine clubs I have memberships with. Because, Why not. Sharing is caring. 

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White and Red Wine are very diverse in flavor, and the differences in appearance and taste of these varieties of Wine are worth learning about. Tannins, a little something the grape’s skins bring to the table, are the culprit. You’ll hear a lot about tannins in Wine.

Sipping on this Wine, I’m introducing them … tongue meets Tannins… Tannins, meet tongue!😂

So What exactly are tannins?

Tannins are molecules that are found in nature. Found mainly in plants, bark, and leaves. (the technical word for these compounds is polyphenols). Tannins come out of the skins, seeds, and stems of grapes when they’re soaked in juice. More tannins come out if they stay in the water a little longer.

Wine tannins come from grape skins, seeds, stems, and oak barrels. Wine and other fruits and plants contain tannins, a naturally occurring chemical (like tea, for example). The mouth-drying and puckering sensation that tannins bring to your mouth are bitter. When the skins of the grapes are left in the juice during the fermentation process, tannins are released into the Wine. This is also the process by which Wine gets color. Pink or white wines with little or no skin have a much lower tannin content. Red wines with high tannin content are produced by fermenting the grapes for an extended time on the skins. Red grape skins have higher tannins than white grape skins.

PROS on tannins: Tannins don’t just protect plants from animals; they act as a natural antioxidant to keep the Wine safe. This is why some red wines, like Cabernet Sauvignon, are so good when they age.

CONS on tannins: Small amounts of tannins can cause headaches for some people, even if they don’t drink a lot. 

FUN FACT: You can make white Wine from red grapes by removing the skins immediately. Even red grapes, which appear red on the outside, are white on the inside.)


I read Red Wine is not good to drink cold; why?
I like to drink cooled red Wine, but there is a strong reason not to, and that is because of the tannins. If you’re looking for the best flavor in a bottle of dark red Wine, the tannins in the Wine will become more bitter when it’s cold. White and rosé wines, on the other hand, can be served chilled without losing any of their flavors—but be careful not to chill them too much, or you’ll miss out on a lot of the aroma. Of course, everyone’s taste buds differ.

To name a few …Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc, Malbec, Barbera, and Sangiovese are all popular red wine varieties.

Rosé, also called blush wine, is pink in color, and that’s because it can only stay in contact with the red grape skins for a short amount of time compared to red Wine. On a scale from Red to white, rosé is closer to the light side, with a lot less tannin than a lot of red Wine.

Pinot Noir, Zinfandel, Pinot Grigio, and Sangiovese are some of the most popular.

Then we have White Wine. Tannins are found in white Wine, but not enough to make it the star of the show. Instead, white wines are made up of acidity. You might say it taste “crisp” If there isn’t enough acidity in white Wine, you might say it’s “flat.”

Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Sémillon, Moscato (Muscat), Pinot Grigio are some of the most popular white wines. This WINC wine club is 👇👇👇👇👇👇 California and France based. These wines are low in sugar. 


The most important storage rule is to keep your Wine at or below room temperature and away from light and heat sources (particularly for natural cork closures). Most of your wine storage needs may be met with a bit of humidity and a steady temperature.

Wine memberships to try



                                                                                 The Wine Collective


Are you a wine lover like me? Do you enjoy that delicious grape smell after unscrewing a wine bottle? Or maybe Wine doesn’t entice you. Hopefully, after reading my blog post, you will change your mind and maybe go out buy a bottle. If so, share your thoughts in the comment box below. Let me know which is your favorite. 



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