Have you ever thought you could be grateful for something you ask for before it arrives?
I believe in the power of gratitude and releasing it daily to the universe.
These are a few of MY daily gratitude thoughts; you can choose whichever resonates with you. Some of these have already manifested in my life, and for that, I am FOREVER grateful.
Thank you for the Love of GOD
Thank you for the divine connection
Thank you for my excellent health
Thank you for the loving, comical partner in my life
Thank you for the prosperity chasing me down
Thank you for the beautiful friendships that are in my life
Thank you for the love surrounding me
Thank you for the abundance all around me
Thank you for the wealth that loves me
Thank you for healing with my name on it
Thank you for the explosive blessings that are running after me
Thank you for the influence looking to track me down
Thank you for my drama-free life
Thank you for not letting me engage in every conflict
Thank you for the fantastic people I will meet
Thank you for the gifts, talent, and potential
Thank you for the air I breathe
Thank you for the food I eat daily
Thank you for the delicious coffee and the people who worked hard to get it to me
Thank you for the beautiful clothes in my closet
Thank you for the creativity
Thank you for the multiple streams of income
Thank you for teaching me continuous ideas on self-love
Thank you for the ability to love people who are hard to love
Thank you for my beautiful beach house
Thank you for my sweet, loving pets
Thank you for working remotely
Thank you for the ability to quiet my mind from negative thoughts
Thank you for the ability to heal
Thank you for my self-awareness
Thank you for being able to travel this beautiful world
Thank you for the money in my savings account
Thank you for the endless list of things to be thankful for…
Thank you for this flowing creativity
Thank you for the flowing increase in prosperity
You can begin a Gratitude journal. They are great to look back on and see what has manifested.
I will include some of my favorites. Gratitude Journals
What I wish for myself, I wish for YOU!
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